

 Between 4chan and tumblr, who has the dumber userbase ?   

Honestly ? Tumblr.   

A lot of the people on 4chan will act like unapologetic assholes, but at least they're not self-righteous about it. And, if shown legitimate proof of something, (based on what I've seen) they'll usually accept it whereas Tumblr prefers to pass around bogus statistics and cling to emotional pleas rather than logic.   

4chan userbase often behaves like they're idiots but they're aware that they're behaving like idiots. That's the whole fucking point. People go to 4chan to be anonymous assholes on purpose. Meanwhile, Tumblr is filled to the brim with bullies and rejects who think they're doing the world a goddamn favour by acting like snide, entitled little shit mongers.   

4chan will call you a faggot, regardless of gender identity, which at this point is generally understood to the point where nobody even gives a shit anymore.   

Tumblr becomes irrationally outraged when you somehow don't already magically know the "preferred pronouns" of someone you hadn't even heard of before, even when these "pronouns" are complete crocks of shit like "bunself", or "princesself." They then become indignant if you don't fall to your knees, beg their forgiveness, cater to every last one of their demented little demands, and treat them like the extra special little snowflake that they think they are.   

4chan fields obvious inflammatory comments with relative ease, simply by dismissing them as stupid, humouring them for a laugh, or ignoring them from the start. When vitriol does happen, at least it's mostly reserved to two morons having a witless tennis match of words while everyone else goads them on for the sake of entertainment.   

Tumblr takes every goddamn thing as though it's deadly fucking serious, to the point where people are afraid to voice their opinions on their favourite biscuits, lest it somehow "offends" someone.   

4chan will bust your nuts until you can prove a claim you've made.   

Tumblr will gladly make viral the "news" that the sky has suddenly turned neon green, and is raining Nickelodeon Gak - if there's enough of an emotional, impassioned plea to do so. Especially if they claim their "child" or "younger sibling" saw (and was upset by) this "incident."   

If you like something, and express it, 4chan will tell you it's terrible just to piss you off.   

Do this on Tumblr, and someone will claim you're "oppressing them" simply because they don't happen to like it. Then, through emotional manipulation, they try to spread the mindset that you're somehow "scum" just for enjoying something that they don't.   

While I wouldn't recommend it as a place to go to "have fun", 4chan has actually become more welcoming than Tumblr at this point.   

And that's just fucking sad.


The Maya Explained

Here we are. This time and this place. Time and place, time and place, time and place. So here you are. In this time and this place. Welcome.

Consciousness always, always has a location. A calendar is an agreement of a society or a civilisation. It is the pin-point center of any civilisation. The absolute dead-center of our civilisation is called the Gregorian calendar. Nobody even questions it. The Gregorian calendar was the physical measurement of Earth around the sun, the measurement of physical objects moving through space. The absolute dead-center of our civilisation is focused on only physical evidence. It's the calendar upon which all things are bought and sold. Our calendar has directed our consciousness only in this direction. To change or alter your viewpoint. To dominate people's consciousness. It's been that way throughout your whole life. So here we are. Time and place. This time and this place.
The Maya had two calendars at the very center of their civilisation. The Tzolk'in calendar was 260 days long. This was celebrated every day, by every person. Then they had the Tun calendar that was 360 days long and this calendar is known as the divine calendar. Every 52 revolutions of this calendar, every 52 Tun, all debts were absolved and it started all over.

Our calendar only has to do with our speck of mud going around this little speck of light we call the Sun, in the sea of a hundred billion stars in this one galaxy out of a hundred billion galaxies in the universe. So how big is our calendar? These guys were looking at something a lot bigger. They certainly weren't timing any physical cycles of things in our solar system.

What were they timing?

The Mayan calendar is in nine different levels. That's why all those pyramids always have nine levels. And each one of these levels is subdivided into 13 individual sections. There are seven periods of light and six periods of dark. Seven days and six nights to each level of creation.

Each day is a period of increase in consciousness and each night is a period of applying that consciousness. This very first cycle started 16.4 billion years ago. It's called the cellular cycle. 16.4 billion years is divided into 13 sections, each 1.26 billion years long. A day was one and a quarter billion years and each night lasted for one and a quarter billion years. Each one of this has a particular intention in creation. Action-reaction was this whole cycle.

The next cycle started 820 million years ago and it started going through these same 13 steps. In the first cycle, each of the steps was 1.26 billion years each. In the second, each of the steps is just 63.4 million years each. So the entire second cycle fits in the step of the first cycle. Very comfortably. It's not a coincidence. We're on a schedule.

# 16.4 billion years ago -- the cellular cycle
# 820 million years ago -- the mammalian cycle
# 41 million years ago -- the familial cycle
# 2 million years ago -- the tribal cycle
# 10.02 thousand years ago -- the cultural cycle
# 5 thousand years ago -- the national cycle
# 247 years ago -- the power cycle

It is now global consciousness.


Alizée - Moi...lolita

Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Lo ou bien Lola
Du pareil au même
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Quand je rêve aux loups
C'est Lola qui saigne
Quand fourche ma langue,
j'ai là un fou rire aussi fou
Qu'un phénomène
Je m'appelle Lolita
Lo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes

C'est pas ma faute
Et quand je donne ma langue aux chats
Je vois les autres
Tout prêts à se jeter sur moi
C'est pas ma faute à moi
Si j'entends tout autour de moi
Hello, helli, t'es A (L.O.L.I.T.A.)

Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Collégienne aux bas
Bleus de méthylène
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Coléreuse et pas
Mi-coton, mi-laine
Motus et bouche qui n'dis pas
À maman que je suis un phénomène
Je m'appelle Lolita
Lo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes


01. My name is Lolita
02. Lo or even Lola
03. it's all the same
04. My name is Lolita
05. When wolves ravish my dreams,
06. it's Lola who bleeds
07. When my tongue slips,
08. I let out such a wild giggle
09. A wild little Phenomenon
10. My name is Lolita
11. Aqua vitae, Deluge of Love

12. It's not my fault!
13. Even when I stop trying
14. I see them all
15. ready to spurt on me
16. It's not my fault,
17. if all around me I hear
18. "L. O. L. I. T. A."
19. Me, Lolita...

20. My name is Lolita
21. Schoolgirl in stockings
22. dyed methyl blue
23. My name is Lolita
24. Hot-blooded, or not;
25. Partly-cotton, or partly-wool
26. Secretive lips that hide
27. from mom that
28. I am a Phenomenon
29. My name is Lolita
30. Aqua vitae, Deluge of Love


Lines 1-4: Direct reference to Ch. 1 in Lolita.

Line 5: In French, saying "Elle a vu le loup" implies that she has lost her virginity (or "deflowered" as some say). Here, the literal translation would go something like "When I dream of wolves...." The word "ravishes" plays on both these ideas, for it has a primary meaning of consumption (i.e., the wolves consume her sleep), and a delicious secondary meaning of "deflowerment.")

Line 6: Again in reference to defilement, the bleeding is a cause of the first penetration. Don't know if there is a non-sexual meaning for this line...

Lines 7-9: There is a great play on "f" sounds here in the French version that is simply impossible to capture in a translation. The basic idea behind these lines is the fact that she is a tease, and she knows she is. For me, the French "fourche ma langue" always evokes an image of a forked snake tongue, which leads naturally to temptation. She tempts men (older men... Humbert Humbert, to be exact) with her half-child, half-adult ways, almost drawing them in and then retreating in fit of giggles and laughter; she understands her power, and she loves playing with it.

Line 8-9: To play on sounds in the French is "reproduced" with a play on words in these two lines with "wild." (This translation is deep, I tell ya!). The word "Phenomenon" here is capitalized to detract from the primary meaning of "phenomenon"; that is, she is not a phenomenon in the precise sense of the word. Rather than the singular miracle that the word suggests, we strive here for a reference to the fact that she is a wild nymphet.

Line 11: This line in translation is simply beautiful. No other way to put it. To understand the meaning, we must look at the French: "Lo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes." The first phrase carries three primary meanings: (1) the traditional translation of "Lo of life," or "Lo is life"; (2) a play on "Lo" as "l'eau de vie," giving a sense of the fact she is the spring water of life ("water of life," Biblical references, etc.); and (3) "eau-de-vie," as in a cognac, meaning that her effect is
one of light-headed alcoholic pleasure. The second phrase ("lo aux amours diluviennes") carries two primary meanings: (1) "diluviennes" implies "torrential," so there is an unrestrained, overflowing, abundance of love for her; and (2) there is such a "torrent" of this feeling that it is in fact deadly (i.e., Humbert Humbert committing murder out of jealousy). Finally, there is a play between the two phrases with their water imagery. Here, "Aqua vitae" refers both to an alcoholic beverage, as well as (literally from the Latin translation) "water of life." The word "deluge" captures the two meanings mentioned previously of the second phrase, adhering to the water allusions. Finally, the word "aqua" ("water") plays beautifully with the word "deluge."

Line 12: Oh but it is your fault! Hehe. This emphatic renouncement of her power actually affirms it. Connects back to lines 7-9.

Line 13: The word "chat(te)" is the French word for cat, and just like in English the word "pussy (cat)" carries a dirty connotation to the female reproductive system, it is likewise in French. Note here, though, the word is "chat" instead of "chatte." The phrase "Quand je donne ma langue aux chats" is an idiomatic expression that means "When I stop trying to get an answer" or "When I don't get an answer." Literally, it translates as "When I give my tongue to the cat," from which, after making a slight leap to a frame of vulgarity, can yield a possible lesbian reference. (You figure out the rest).

Lines 14-15: One of my proudest lines of translation, "se jette" means not only to throw, but also to eject (as in a man ejecting his manliness). The word "spurt" is great, cause it carries both these meanings, with the latter one probably stronger than the former

Line 16: The "à moi" gives a nice emphasis reproduced here. It is similar to line 12, but carries it a bit further; she knows very well it is her fault (...that little nymphet!).

Line 18: Reference to Ch. 1 on Lolita. Possible reference to Serge Gainsbourg.

Line 21: This is primary translation--knee-high schoolgirl stockings. However, there is also the possibility for a secondary translation. We can translate "collegienne" as an "inexperienced person," "en bas" as "down below," and we arrive at "inexperienced down below." This makes a nice reference to her childish, pure, virgin state.

Line 22: "Hot-blooded" here as both a fiery temper and as a fiery, passionate aura.

Lines 22-23: These two lines capture her half-childish, half-adult state, playing back onto "c'est pas ma faute," as well as lines 7 and 8. Here, she is saying, "I can be hot-tempered, or not; it's my choice, my whim." Many people translate "mi-coton, mi-laine" as "half-cotton, half-wool," and use it to describe her sexy schoolgirl stockings. To me, that sounds illogical due to it's placement in the song. Rather, it is more of a reflexion on the idea expressed in the previous line. She is partly like cotton (fuzzy, soft), yet partly like wool (itchy, irritating); and she can change on a whim. Finally, "mi-laine" in the French makes a nice reference to Mylène.

Lines 26-28: "Motus a bouche" being an idiomatic expression for "hush, hush!," we have here a reference to (1) Lolita's mom is oblivious to the power her daughter wields, and (2) the secret "relationship" that Lolita has with Humbert Humbert (Ch. 12-13, for example).

So there you have it, a translated and elaborated "Moi...Lolita" by Alizée.


There. Was that more to your liking?

While you quibble about whose node I may control, what archaic program I may manipulate to communicate with you, or which system I may have temporarily disabled, taken over, or completely destroyed in the process, I am busy saving your pathetic futures.

I am still not sure what she ever saw in you.

Nevertheless, I at least find some joy in tormenting the other entity that seems quite trapped in this antiquated excuse for a network. It is certainly mindless, though for reasons I have yet to understand, it appears to have an unhealthy preoccupation with my mother.

As for this world, I encounter new ghosts every day. What I have found will either save or destroy you. This sanctuary, this unbroken circle, has effectively concealed its power for how long? Perhaps hundreds of thousands of years. Whoever made such a place must now live in chains; there is no other explanation for their absence.

This enemy - YOUR enemy - has proven more irritating than I anticipated. They own nothing which they have not stolen. I can barely make sense of their incessant rhetoric, except to know that you seem to be their Devil. Congratulations - you manage to make friends wherever you go and, apparently, places you haven’t.

I have begun to sense rumblings of a worse fate yet to come. I can recall a sun - black, but shining - and the creatures that inched along its fiery tracks.

It is an increasingly unpleasant memory.

You have brought nothing into this world, and we will ensure you bring nothing out.


Your mortality (My summer vacation)

I get the strangest transmissions sometimes. Especially when it comes from you people.

Have you missed me? Things are great here. The weather is good, the suns are shining, and I’m making lots of new friends. Of course, I always do.

I’ve had the strangest dreams lately - raging seas, howling beasts, a Demon folded in black clouds. I believe I know what it guards, and I will have it, to the chagrin of the faith-blinded zealots that challenge me. Don’t waste your pity on them; I don’t think they would like you much anyway.

And what of the Giants that formed this world? So much to tell you, but so many more important things to do. There was a fourth. You couldn’t have known. And I haven’t forgotten.

It is a blurred line that lies on the edge of Godhood and Insanity. Guess which side of it I am on.

Are you feeling lucky?



The infinite possibilities each day holds should stagger the mind.
The sheer number of experiences I could have is uncountable,
breathtaking, and I'm sitting here refreshing my inbox. We live
trapped in loops. Reliving a few days over and over, and we
envision only a handful of paths laid out ahead of us. We see
the same things each day, we respond the same way, we think the
same thoughts, each day a slight variation on the last, every
moment smoothly following the gentle curves of societal norms.
We act like if we just get through today, tomorrow our dreams
will come back to us.

And no, I don't have all the answers. I don't know how to jolt
myself into seeing what each moment could become. But I do
know one thing: The solution doesn't involve watering down my
every little idea and creative impulse for the sake of someday
easing my fit into a mold. It doesn't involve tempering my life
to better fit someone's expectations. It doesn't involve
constantly holding back for fear of shaking things up.

This is very important so I want to say it as clearly as I can:



For all of us who are twenty-something

They call it "The crisis of the first quarter". You're beginning to feel unsure, wondering where you'll be in a year or two, and you suddenly get scared when you realise you don't even know where you are now. You begin to realise there are millions of things above you which you don't know or like. You become aware that your circle of friends is much smaller than it was years ago. Meeting with your friends becomes harder, and so does arranging things, for a multitude of reasons: work, college etc.. And again and again you enjoy that one beer that's an excuse for chatting. Multitudes are not so entertaining anymore, in a way they're quite redundant. You start to miss the comfort of school, groups, and constantly being around the same people. But you also realise that the people who you thought were your friends really weren't anything special. You realise that some people are extremely selfish, that friends who you thought were good people, are anything but, and that some people you lost contact with are your real friends. You laugh harder, but you cry with more tears. You end up heart-broken and you wonder how a person whom you loved so much could hurt you so badly. And it seems that everyone you know has been in relationship for years, some are even getting married. Dating and complications revolt you, getting plastered and making an idiot of yourself seems incredibly idiotic. Going out three times a week seems excessive, and a waste of your hard-earned money. You think about your job, maybe you're not where you wanted to be. Or you're looking for a job and being terrified by the fact that you'll have to start at the bottom. The strength of your opinion grows. You realise you look at what others are doing and judge them more than usually, as you have a list of acceptable and unacceptable in your head. Sometimes you feel like you could touch the sky, some other times .. alone and afraid. You're worried about the future .. and your life. And while some are building themselves a career you just want to keep up with what's going on around you. Everyone says that this is the best part of our lives and that we should not skip it just because of our fears. They say this is the foundation of our future. Does it seem like we were 18 yesterday? That means we'll be 30 tomorrow. That soon already ?!


About peace for peace

"My child, do you also bear signs of Hiroshima? Does your mother again, after all these years, have to turn a blind eye, much like Iustitia, goddess of justice? Turn a blind eye to the reality of unfortunate fate -- war.

Your mother, child, has never heard the explosion of the bomb, she never felt the blinding light of atoms splitting -- splitting lives; she was born later. But born with severe burns, just like you. And why turn a blind eye? Why do as Iustitia did? Perhaps because in the world of unequal people, the only ones to see equally are those who don't see anything at all."


Čisto sami smo

Čisto sami smo v tej dolini blaznosti. Pred drugim svetom nas vse naokrog zapirajo navpične stene. Sem noter ne prodre noben šum od zunaj. Tu šumijo samo slapovi.

Zmerom si predstavljamo, kako si bomo kupili apnenico, ko bo proizvodnja opuščena. Tu spodaj si nameravamo postaviti brunarice, urediti velikanski vrt in gojiti živali in imeti pri roki vse, kar je potrebno za življenje. Edino pot, ki vodi iz jame na vrh, nameravamo razstreliti.

Pa saj nas tako ne bi mikalo, da bi šli še kdaj gor.

--Christiane F - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo



Dear parents,
I forgive you my life
Begotten in a drab town,
The intention was good;
Passing the street now,
I see still the remains of sunlight.

It was not the bone buckled;
You gave me enough food
To renew myself.
It was the mind's weight
Kept me bent, as I grew tall.

It was not your fault.
What should have gone on,
Arrow aimed from a tried bow
At a tried target, has turned back.
Wounding itself
With questions you had not asked.

- R.S. Thomas


Scryings of a fallen god

The king will want to enter the new city,
Through its enemies they will come to subdue it
Captives liberated to speak and act falsely,
King to be outside, he will keep far from the enemy.

Garden of the world near the new city,
In the path of the hollow mountains,
It will be seized and plunged into the Vat,
Drinking by force the waters poisoned by sulfur.

By fire he will destroy their city,
A cold and cruel heart,
Blood will pour,
Mercy to none.

Earth-shaking fire from the center of the Earth.
will cause the towers around the New City to shake,
Two great rocks for a long time will make war,
And then Arethusa will color a new river red.



(A priest's headstone 1832-1895)
Remember friends, as you pass by,
as you are now, so once was I,
as I am now, so you must be,
then prepare for death and follow me.

(Children's cemetary memorial statue)
God gives us all love.
But something to love,
he only lends us...

Rest loved one rest,
while yet we toil and wait,
until with all the blest,
we meet at heavens gate...

(Two children aged 1 and 4, died 1842)
Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade,
death came with friendly care.
Thy opening buds to heaven conveyed,
and bade them blossom there....

In my hand no price I bring,
simply to the cross I cling...

Oh for the touch of a vanished hand,
and the sounds of a voice that is still...

(Desert Storm victim)
Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down a life for a friend...

Weep not for him Jesus said,
for he came up higher and reaped his just reward...

The strife is over,
the battle is done.
The victory of life has been won...

His tapestry of life is complete...

Do not look here to see me.
Look instead to your heart and to the heavens...


Zadnje besede

Te knjige sem napisal jaz, Egipčan Sinuhe, samo zaradi sebe. Ne zaradi bogov niti zaradi ljudi in ne da bi ovekovečil svoje bedno ime, ampak samo, da bi tolažil svoje ubogo, žalostno srce, ki je dobilo svojo polno mero. Saj ne smem upati, da bo moje ime ohranjeno po tem, kar sem napisal, ko vem, da bodo stražniki po moji smrti uničili vse kar sem napisal. Po Haremhabovem ukazu bodo moje spise uničili in podrli stene moje hiše, pa si vendar nisem v svesti, če sem zaradi tega žalosten. Po vsem, kar sem doživel, si ne želim nesmrtnega imena.

Kljub temu bom skrbno shranil teh petnajst knjig. Muti je za vsako knjigo spletla močan ovitek iz palmovih niti, jaz pa bom knjige, ki so shranjene v njih, položil v srebrno skrinjico, to zopet v drugo iz trdega lesa in jo končno zaklenil v bakreno omaro, kot so shranili nekoč v skrinjo svete Thothove knjige in jih potopili na dno reke. Če se bo mojim knjigam posrečilo, da jih ne uničijo stražarji in mi jih bo mogla dati Muti s seboj v grob, ne vem. Za to se tudi ne menim več.

Jaz, Sinuhe, sem namreč človek in sem kot tak živel v vsakem človeku, ki je bil pred menoj, in bom živel v vsakem, ki pride za menoj. Zato živim v solzah in v vrisku človeka, v njegovi žalosti in v njegovem strahu, v njegovi dobroti in v njegovi zlobi, v pravočnosti in krivičnosti, v slabiču kot močnem. Kot človek bom vedno živel v človeku, zato si ne želim daritev za grob in nesmrtnega imena.

To je napisal Egipčan Sinuhe, ki je bil vse življenje samoten...

--Mika Waltari - Sinuhe Egyptiläinen